Moral Education - Remote Learning plan - Grade 4-6 - week 4


Grade IV

Lesson: Act Responsibly

Lesson Objectives:  To know how to act responsibly and the effects and consequences of our actions.  

When you agree to do something, do it. If you let people down, they’ll stop believing you. When you follow through on your commitments, people take you seriously.
Answer for your own actions. Don’t make excuses or blame others for what you do. When you take responsibility for your actions you are saying “I am the one who’s in charge of my life.”
 Be trustworthy. If somebody trusts you to borrow or take care of something, take care of it. If somebody tells you something in confidence, keep it to yourself. It’s important for people to know they can count on you.
Always use your head. Think things through and use good judgment. When you use your head you make better choices. That shows your parents they can trust you.
Don’t put things off. When you have a job to do, do it. Doing things on time helps you take control of your life and shows that you can manage your own affairs.

Activity time : 

Read the story "Afif’s Responsibilities" and answer the questions that follow.(Text book page 55-56)

Think of a few examples for each behavior . Then, for each example, have brainstorm ways of handling irresponsible people. List the best ideas in your personal diary /Notepad.

Please do send your work/ activity image or video to : 

Ms.Lubna →

Ms.Mercia →


Grade V

Unit 4 -Lesson 2 :Patience

Learning Objectives: Behave virtuously, for example
Demonstrating a capacity for patience or forgiveness, in dealings with other people.
Patience is a Virtue
Definition: The ability to wait for something without frustration is a useful skill and a good aspect of one’s personality.
The proverb patience is a virtue means that it is a good quality to be able to tolerate something that takes a long time. There are two things that you need to do.

1      Patience
   2      Apologize

 Activity time :

      Now work with your siblings:
1     Make a list of things that are worth waiting for.

Play the ‘’pass the fruit, game with your siblings.
Don’t forget to be patient with your siblings.
After the game, discuss the following questions with your sibling.

A) Did you have to be patient during this game?
B) How did you feel when it was not going as smoothly as you hoped?
C) Was it difficult to be patient?
D) What improved the longer the game took?

Click here to watch the video.

Four Fingers of Patience Moral Story 78 | kids stories | night ...

Please do send your work/ activity image or video to : 

Ms.Ruby  →

Ms.Tanzeela → 


Grade :Vl

  UNIT 3 LESSON 4 – 


The world is so large that it can be tough to learn about places that exist outside of our own immediate physical world. There is so much to learn about other countries and people. 

4. Learn how to say hello and goodbye in each language. 
5. Talk about animals that live in each country.  we always love learning more about animals. so lets have fun by doing this activity.
6. Listen to music from other countries – what you think of the music? Does it make you feel like dancing?
7. Spelling the country names –   spell out each country’s name,try to weave spelling and hidden learning in it.

Please do send your work/ activity image or video to : 

Ms. Mercia  →

Ms.Shanaz → 

Ms. mizbah → 

